In The NeighbourhoodThis area is devoted to any and all in the people in the area with personal web sites. Submit your site address and we will post a link*. Stop in on one of the neighbours. You never know what you'll find! |
You can also visit the other neighbourhood sites we've made contact with. |
What and Where | Who |
Venus is a local Bellydancer
who lives in the area and has a web site at http://www.venusbellydance.com |
Venus |
"A.M. Dellamonica Explains the Human Brain"' at http://www.sff.net/people/Alyx/ | A.M. Dellamonica |
Sharon's page is at http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/7798 | Sharon |
"Come visit our website at http://www3.telus.net/cpandmh At the very least, you'll discover just how strange we are!" | Chris and Michelle |
See Wendy's art, which includes sculpting and painting, as well as info on the band Punchdrunk at http://www3.telus.net/wendythirteen/. | Wendy Thirteen |
The Lunatic behind this site http://www.thedrive.net/tbg/ | Rod |